Council's new public notification system that will enable us to send important alerts via email and text message
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Council is seeking applications for Community, Sports and Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund Grants
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Nominations are open for the 2025 Civic Awards
See what's happening and what is planned within the Waimate District.
The Waimate Christmas Child initiative is back for the eighth time, aiming to ensure no child misses out on waking up to presents on Christmas morning.
The hunt is on for Waimate District’s unsung heroes with nominations open for the prestigious Mayoral-led Waimate District Annual Civic Awards.
Council stresses that under the Dog Control Bylaw, all public places in the Waimate District are classified as controlled public areas, where dogs may go when on a leash.
Council has set the fees and charges for the Waimate Lakes Camping activity for the 2024/25 season.